The Children and Youth Ministry strives to produce kingdom disciples into the next generations. We do this by teaching the truths of Scripture, providing godly role models, and involving them in our congregational life.
We teach the truths of Scripture by:
- offering Sunday School for Kindergarteners through Senior High.
- providing adult-led fellowship opportunities for youth.
We provide godly role models by:
- training our Sunday School teachers to deliver gospel-centered lessons each week and to practice grace in their classrooms.
- having adults participate in "Connecting Generations" activities, allowing them to build relationships with the younger generations while providing unique opportunities for the youth to develop new skills.
Our children and youth actively participate in congregational life by:
- reading Scripture during worship, singing and playing their instruments during communion, running the slide show during the service, and taking care of young ones in the nursery.
- participating in our Nursing Home ministry.
- joining our weekly small groups whenever possible.
- taking part in "Christmas in April" and "Habitat for Humanity" projects that serve individuals and families from the church and the wider community who need help.
- serving as helpers during Vacation Bible School and other activities.
Regular Activities
Each summer, kids and adults gather for our annual Duck Race. Kids of all ages decorate miniature ducks and compete for bragging rights in different categores (pastor look-alike is really popular!). Then we race plastic ducks in water-filled troughs. Once the champion ducks are selected and races are done, everyone wins with an ice cream sundae!
Every May, Inter-Generational Sunday School connects young and old through group lessons, craft projects, games, and teamwork activities. Past themes have included Wonders of Nature, Books of the Bible, Creation, and Heroes of the Faith.
Other regular events include a Christmas party, crafting opportunities, a summer celebration, and Vacation Bible School, all designed to let our children get to know one another while encouraging participation, creativity, and cooperation. All children are encouraged to attend and invite friends to join in the fun.
All volunteers who care for children, youth, or young adults follow the procedures and recommendations in the Harvest Fellowship Child Protection Plan.