Gospel-centered, biblical leadership flows from discipleship — following Jesus and helping others grow as followers of Jesus.
Leadership within the church can be broken down into two aspects: Shepherding (discipling) and Stewarding (governing).
Shepherding involves four functions:
- Knowing the Sheep
- Feeding the Sheep
- Leading the Sheep
- Protecting the Sheep
Stewarding is similar to the role of a gardener in a garden. Acknowledging that it is the Lord who ultimately causes growth in a person or a church, a leader’s responsibility is to do what he/she can to create and maintain a healthy environment for that growth--removing the barriers to growth (rocks, weeds) and providing necessary nourishment for growth (water, fertilizer).
Within the context of his/her ministry, a leader asks, "What barriers can I remove and what resources can I provide to enable those within my ministry to grow and fulfill their ministry responsibilities?"
The focus of both shepherding and stewarding is helping people grow as disciples. Leaders must remember that we are to be relationally driven, not program or project driven. The tasks, plans, and projects are ultimately for the people. We seek leaders with a commitment to invest in people, not merely complete tasks.
To lead properly and effectively calls for balancing truth and grace: equal commitment to God’s truth and the spiritual health of those they lead. Truth without grace is bullying. Grace without truth is sentimentalism. Neither moves our people closer to God or to greater reliance upon the gospel. Keeping this balance in mind guards us from the temptation of “getting there at all costs”.
All this requires that leaders be deeply committed to both Word and prayer -- the Word of God because it alone teaches, convicts, grows, and strengthens (2 Tim 3:16-17; 1Thes 2:13; Heb 4:12); prayer because it is God who sanctifies!
With Christ as the Head, every leader must find his purpose and strength in Christ, seek Him for guidance, and desire His empowering presence.
We tend to live out of who we are – our skill set, giftedness, and personality. The challenge of Gospel-driven leadership is to rely on the gospel of grace and walking in the rhythm of faith and repentance. To be effective and gospel-centered, a leader must have a healthy self-awareness.
Leaders at Harvest Fellowship are committed to:
- Stewarding the mission by meeting ministry goals and performing required tasks.
- Shepherding those under him/her.
- Laboring under the authority of the Session.
- Attending training and leadership meetings as needed.
- Maintaining the peace and purity of the church thru biblical peacemaking and conflict resolution.