Redeemed, Rescued, Restored Devo Pic


A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of sharing my testimony with a group of women at a bible study I have been attending. I spent some time writing it out so that my thoughts would be organized as I sought to share the story of how I became a Christian. As I began writing, I found myself reflecting on my life and thinking about the many ways that God has worked to draw me closer to Him. One of the things that struck me was how long my testimony was when I finished. In my mind, I knew when I became a Christian and I knew when the Lord established a desire for Him in my heart. But, as I started to write, I realized that the work of God in my life is far greater than those few isolated instances. His work has continued and even now, after years of having a close relationship with Him, He is still pursuing me, still convicting me, and still loving me.

In his sermon from Sunday, Pastor Barry asked a question: “where are you in the story of the gospel?” He continued by saying that in order to evaluate our response to this question, we must examine the gospel in light of these three acts of Christ: Jesus redeems, He rescues, and He restores. Pastor Barry went on to discuss these three acts of Christ in relation to the text in Leviticus. He discussed how our redemption in Christ is found in God’s promise to be with His people. Leviticus 26:11-12 says, “I will make my dwelling among you, and my soul shall not abhor you. And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people.” (ESV) Pastor Barry explained how this verse depicts a return to the Garden of Eden and God’s redemption of His people to bring them back from their fallen state. In dwelling with His people, He redeems His people, and He sent Jesus to dwell with us here on Earth. Pastor Barry continued by explaining how God’s discipline is a form of rescue for His people. Leviticus 26:18 says: “And if in spite of this you will not listen to me, then I will discipline you again sevenfold for your sins.” (ESV) He said that God’s discipline is a pursuit of His people. It I a loving pursuit. And even in the midst of these curses, though they may seem severe, it is God’s way to grab ahold of His people; to rescue them.” He also pointed out that the root word for discipline is disciple, adding that often times, the discipline we feel from the Lord is Him discipling us with love as He rescues us by guiding us. Lastly, in regard to restoration, Pastor Barry explained how the promise of God to honor the covenant He made with Abraham is made complete in the provision of His son, Jesus Christ, who through His life, death, and resurrection brings restoration to His people. Leviticus 26:45 says, “But I will for their sake remember the covenant with their forefathers, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the Lord.” Through Christ, the Lord has restored His people and dwells among us as our God.

One of the things that I appreciated so much about Pastor Barry’s sermon was that he did not present the three acts of Christ in a past tense format. Jesus continues to redeem, rescue, and restore His people because we continually need it. When I began writing my testimony, I was under the impression that the important work of Christ in my life had come to an end. But what I realized as I continued writing is that the work of Christ in my life is far from over, and His work is equally as important now as it was when I first came to know Him as my Lord and savior. Jesus continues to redeem, rescue, and restore me because I continue to sin; I continue to need a savior. Praise the Lord that He is not done His work in my life and that in His unending pursuit of me, He has reminded me of this!

Maybe you are somewhere in your walk with Jesus where you find yourself feeling like I I did when I started writing my testimony. Perhaps your relationship with Christ began a long time ago and you feel that there is not much more that God can do in your life. I am here to tell you that God’s work in your life is far from over and that His desire is for you to turn to Him and experience His overwhelming love and saving grace all over again. Every day we sin, and every day we need a savior. We need Jesus as much now as we did the first time the Holy Spirit stirred our hearts to reveal our need for a savior to us. And Praise be to God that His grace is as endless now as it was when we first received it. Will you join me in praying that the Lord would show us where we fit into the story of the gospel? And will you join me in thanking Him that we are a part of the greatest love story ever told?


Photo Credit: Sigmund