The Harvest Fellowship Care Team uses the foundational principles and models developed by the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF) as a basis for our ministry.
Below is the CCEF Three Trees diagram that our Care Team incorporates into our mentoring practices. We recognize that everyone faces 'heat', or circumstances that are beyond our control. This heat incites a reaction from us that yields either good or bad fruit. Our reaction reveals the root of the desire in our heart – do we desire Jesus and His glory, or do we desire ourselves and our own gratification? When our desire is for ourselves, it is the work of the Holy Spirit that convicts us and draws us into repentance while growing us in our faith in Christ. When we respond in faith, we yield good fruit that glorifies the Lord and grows us in our dependence on Christ.
As Care Team members, we pray that the Lord will use us to encourage one another to respond in faith to the heat in our lives.